Dear colleagues,
As the General Chairman, I am deeply honored to invite you all to the IEEE Power Electronics and Motion Control 2024 conference, which will be held in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
The IEEE-PEMC (Power Electronics and Motion Control) conference has a rich history and tradition. It started in Budapest in 1970. The main goal of the PEMC Council was to keep organizing international conferences in the field of Power Electronics and Motion Control circulating in Europe. Over the last five decades, the IEEE-PEMC Conference has become the most important conference on Industrial Electronics and Motion Control in Central and Eastern Europe.
The PEMC conference allows researchers and industry experts to share ideas and experiences surrounding frontier technologies, breakthrough and innovative solutions, and applications. It focuses on contemporary research topics of power electronics, controls, electrical drives, robotics, and related topics. The conference has been a significant event for the scientific and industrial community, attracting excellent scientists and engineers affiliated with academic, research, and industrial centers from Europe and the whole world.
This year, the IEEE-PEMC 2024 conference is organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) of the University of West Bohemia is a renowned research and education faculty with a tradition since 1949. We carry out basic and extensive applied research, which has demonstrable and significant impacts and has contributed to our society's development in a national and international context.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in the city of Pilsen!
Zdenek Peroutka, General Chairman, IEEE PEMC 2024