Modular Digital twin platform for Electrical Drivetrains
Digital twins (DTs) are similar to simulation models but with more advanced capabilities. Both reproduce the behavior of a real physical system. While simulation models are more generic and can include systems that do not (yet) exist, DTs typically map the behavior of an existing system based on acquired data through data-driven models or hybrid models. In addition to the functionality of conventional simulation tools, DT tools can synchronize the behavior of the real assets and simulated twin. The modeling of DTs encompasses multi-physics, multi-scale cloud-based modeling to consider all phenomena and couplings, whether exploring (typically in the design phase) or monitoring (typically during the operational phase) the system's functioning under realistic mission profiles and aging conditions. This tutorial will cover several aspects and concepts regarding the Digital Twins modeling in a modular approach. The tutorial will cover two different parts:
Part I: Offline drivetrain component modeling and control design, offering iterative design and validation of solutions via the use of a DT platform, and accelerate time-to-market.
Part II: Online real-time condition monitoring and lifetime estimation techniques, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of drivetrain components by directly estimating their behavior and remaining Useful Lifetime (RUL) to support the vision on Reliability as a Service (RaaS).

About the speaker:
Omar Hegazy (SM IEEE) obtained his PhD degree (with greatest distinction) from the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology (ETEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. Prof. Hegazy is the founder and leader of EPOWERS- Efficient Power Electronics, Powertrain and Energy Solutions- Research Group (Power Electronics Innovation Lab (PEIL), Powertrain Innovation Lab (PIL), Power Electronics Reliability Lab (PERL) & Smart Charging Lab (SCL)) at ETEC Dept., and at MOBI Research Centre, where he coordinates the research activities in this field in several national projects (e.g. via Flanders Make, VLAIO (ex. IWT), Innoviris, Flux50, etc.) and in European projects (e.g. SAFEDRIVE, UNPLUGGED, ELIPTIC, ORCA, ASSURED, HiFi-Elements, GHOST, HiPERFORM, CEVOLVER, OBELICS, ACHILES, LONGRUN, eCharge4drivers, iSTORMY, URBANIZED, HiEFFICIENT, NextETRUCK, SiC4GRID, ZEFES, EBRT2030, OpEVA, NEMOSHIP, NextBMS, ECOMOBILITY, INNOBMS, DIGIBATT, BATTS, EFFEREST, GIANTS, etc.). He is also the manager of MOBI Core-Lab at Flanders Make organization.
Prof. Hegazy is the author of more than 260 scientific publications and two patent applications. Furthermore, he is an active member of EGVIA, EARPA, Inside (ARTEMIS-IA), EPE, PELS, IES, SAE and IEC standards. His fields of interest include power electronics, electrical machines, electric and (plug-in) hybrid electric vehicles, Digital Twin (DT), Reliability & Lifetime, charging infrastructure, power/energy management strategies, FC (Hydrogen) powertrains, battery management systems (BMS), V2X systems, optimization techniques and Smart DC grid with renewable energy.