S&YP Forum 
During the conference, the Student & Young Professionals (S&YP) Activity Committee of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) will organize the S&YP Forum - an event designed to help students and young professionals stay connected within the IES community. The S&YP Forum offers a unique opportunity to ask questions and gain professional advice directly from IEEE Fellows, the IES President, AdCom members, and experienced colleagues. The program includes keynote speeches from leaders in academia and industry, a 3-Minute Video session, and an open discussion among participants. We encourage all conference participants to join! 
S&YP Forum Schedule 
Date: Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024 
Time: 17:00–18:15 (Local CEST) 
Location: Parkhotel Congress Center, Room Alto A 
Keynotes at the S&YP Forum: 
Dr. Martin Bruha  
​​​​​​​MV Drives Senior System Engineer at ABB, Turgi, Switzerland, will present on 30 MW electric drives for test systems for wind power plants. His presentation will focus on integrating an industrial drive with a specialized laboratory high-voltage grid designed for testing wind turbines. 
Dr. Tomáš Komrska 
Assoc. Professor at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czechia, will present on earth fault compensation in distribution power grids using power semiconductor converters. 
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