A generic approach to modern electrical drives: Nonlinear Modelling, Dynamic Simulation, High-Performance Control and Optimal Operation
Electrical drives consume more than 50% of the globally generated electricity. Hence, advances in research on modelling, control and operation of electrical drives (machine+inverter) have been made.
This tutorial covers all aspects of modern electrical drives such as:
→ nonlinear modelling and dynamic simulation of the electro-mechanical system considering e.g. (i) magnetic saturation & cross-coupling, (ii) back-emf harmonics, (iii) skin & proximity effects, and (iv) copper and iron losses;
→ high-performance control compensating for (i) voltage-source inverter nonlinearities and dead-times, (ii) machine nonlinearities, (iii) current cross-coupling and (iv) voltage constraints; and
→ optimal operation management by optimal feedforward torque control (OFTC) to guarantee an operation of the electrical drive at its physical current and voltage limits while efficiency is maximized for all operation strategies such as Maximum Torque per Losses (MTPL), Field Weakening (FW), Maximum Current (MC) and Maximum Torque per Voltage (MTPV)
All aspects are covered without imposing simplifying assumptions on the system. The generic approach allows to apply the presented methods for modelling, simulation, control and operation to all kind of electrical drives. Numerical, analytical and/or look-up tables (LUTs) approaches are discussed and compared. The proposed approach is suitable for any electrical machine (e.g. synchronous machines with/without electrical excitation or doubly fed induction machines). Simulation and measurement results illustrate effectiveness and applicability of the generic approach.

About the speaker:
Christoph Michael Hackl is a Professor for “Electrical Machines and Drives” at the Hochschule München (HM) University of Applied Sciences, Germany. He received his interdisciplinary PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Mathematics from the Technical University of Munich (TUM; Prof. D. Schröder) and the Technical University of Ilmenau (TUI; Prof. A. Ilchmann) in 2012.
After a brief post-doc phase at the chair for Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics (TUM; Prof. R. Kennel), in 2014, he became head of the research group “Control of Renewable Energy Systems (CRES)” at the Munich School of Engineering (MSE) at TUM. In 2018, he became a Professor and the head of the “Laboratory for Mechatronic and Renewable Energy Systems (LMRES)” at HM.
Since 2019, Dr. Hackl is co-founder and co-head of the research “Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (ISES)” at MUAS. His research interests are modelling, control, design and optimization of the electrical components such as power electronics and electrical machines of renewable and mechatronic energy systems (e.g. airborne wind energy systems, small- and large-scale wind turbine systems, geothermal power plants, wave energy converters, electric vehicles and power systems). Dr. Hackl is IEEE Senior Member and works as a reviewer for interdisciplinary journals (e.g. System & Control Letters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), Energy Conversion (TEC), Power Electronics (TPEL) or Automatic Control (TAC)). He has (co-)authored more than 150 scientific contributions in books, journals and conference proceedings (see https://lmres.ee.hm.edu/forschung/publikationen/).