On the small-signal stability and impedance passivation in power electronics dominated future electrical grids.
The presentation will describe some recent control-oriented research issues concerning small-signal stability and dynamic interaction in future electrical grids dominated by power electronics converters. The presentation will focus on small-signal stability based on impedances, self-tuning and stability monitoring, impedance specifications, unterminated modeling, and the impact of high-performance oversampled current/voltage control. Different approaches to enable impedance passivation, including unterminated converter modeling, will be outlined. Examples will cover a range of different scenarios, including small lab-scale microgrids, multi-port converters, soft-open point applications, and offshore wind power plants.

About the speaker:
Paolo Mattavelli received the Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Padova (Italy) in 1995. Since 1995 he has had faculty positions at the Universities of Padova (Italy), Udine (Italy) and at Virginia Tech (USA). He is currently a professor with the University of Padova. He is an IEEE Fellow. His major field of interest includes analysis, modeling and control of power converters, grid-connected converters for renewable energy systems and smart-grids, and high-power density power electronics. In these research fields, he has been leading several industrial and government projects. The research activities resulted in about 350 publications at international conferences >160 journal papers, >20 patents or patent pending and two books.